TOOLS: Graveyard Monitoring | PTRE | ExpeDetector | Discord

OGame (real) Migration Tool

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OGame Merge Tool


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Research Points:
Military Points:
Metal Ressources:
Crystal Ressources:
Deut Ressources:

Migration rules (updated May 2023)

  • You may choose any universe (from any community) as long as you dont get "TOP 20" of that universe and universe is older than 1 year
  • Each rank is verified (you cant be "TOP 20" in any rank)
  • Ressources are converted (2.5/1.5/1) and added to general rank
  • You can always join back your previous universe (the universe you just left before entering the graveyard)

Tool updates

Ranks are updated every hour
Worst case: data would be 2 hours old


Sort: by universe | by active players | by total players | by age

UniverseSettingsLast update (minutes)AgeMigration Status
PL-Quantum302 / 5511 players / x8 x8 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 66min | Eco: 46min | Res: 46min | Mili: 46min 4315 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-1981 / 4987 players / x8 x4 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 54min | Eco: 53min | Res: 52min | Mili: 52min 7215 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-1626 / 4568 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 74min | Eco: 74min | Res: 74min | Mili: 74min 7969 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-1582 / 4338 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 38min | Eco: 32min | Res: 54min | Mili: 53min 7238 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-Quantum408 / 4274 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 30%Total: 57min | Eco: 48min | Res: 48min | Mili: 59min 4315 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-199924 / 3981 players / x10 x6 x3 x8 / 30%Total: 53min | Eco: 53min | Res: 50min | Mili: 45min 786 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-2582784 / 3934 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 29min | Eco: 23min | Res: 23min | Mili: 61min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-2631529 / 3875 players / x10 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 16min | Eco: 71min | Res: 69min | Mili: 75min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
EN-257930 / 3414 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 24min | Eco: 41min | Res: 41min | Mili: 57min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
EN-Vega312 / 3275 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 57min | Eco: 42min | Res: 27min | Mili: 47min 3903 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-68744 / 3203 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 67min | Eco: 28min | Res: 28min | Mili: 57min 4482 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-259861 / 3102 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 80%Total: 45min | Eco: 58min | Res: 58min | Mili: 63min 444 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-2642097 / 2965 players / x4 x3 x3 x3 / 30%Total: 23min | Eco: 52min | Res: 52min | Mili: 23min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
TR-1472 / 2858 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 65min | Eco: 65min | Res: 65min | Mili: 28min 7087 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-Wasat343 / 2844 players / x7 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 25min | Eco: 67min | Res: 52min | Mili: 28min 3959 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-2631032 / 2756 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 59min | Eco: 59min | Res: 59min | Mili: 41min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-2641967 / 2747 players / x8 x5 x2 x3 / 70%Total: 58min | Eco: 44min | Res: 44min | Mili: 57min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-260489 / 2701 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 19min | Eco: 19min | Res: 19min | Mili: 75min 444 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-Ferdinand636 / 2547 players / x6 x2 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 28min | Eco: 75min | Res: 16min | Mili: 75min 883 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-198254 / 2322 players / x10 x5 x5 x5 / 50%Total: 63min | Eco: 75min | Res: 75min | Mili: 30min 744 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-261587 / 2158 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 24min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 24min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-261292 / 2150 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 60%Total: 63min | Eco: 55min | Res: 55min | Mili: 55min 444 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-194453 / 2142 players / x6 x6 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 29min | Eco: 29min | Res: 29min | Mili: 29min 463 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-262701 / 2081 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 21min | Eco: 38min | Res: 38min | Mili: 38min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-259393 / 2055 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 28min | Eco: 28min | Res: 28min | Mili: 28min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
PL-Kalyke539 / 2027 players / x8 x2 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 31min | Eco: 26min | Res: 26min | Mili: 50min 1762 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-258834 / 2008 players / x8 x6 x2 x4 / 60%Total: 38min | Eco: 21min | Res: 21min | Mili: 38min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-262218 / 1995 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 16min | Eco: 68min | Res: 68min | Mili: 49min 444 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-255690 / 1947 players / x6 x6 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 75min | Eco: 75min | Res: 75min | Mili: 15min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
TR-Lacerta389 / 1936 players / x10 x6 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 51min | Eco: 31min | Res: 31min | Mili: 31min 505 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-2561299 / 1905 players / x6 x6 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 48min | Eco: 44min | Res: 37min | Mili: 44min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
PL-256581 / 1902 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 67min | Eco: 67min | Res: 67min | Mili: 27min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-256236 / 1868 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 60%Total: 25min | Eco: 25min | Res: 25min | Mili: 25min 337 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-Mathilde280 / 1859 players / x8 x7 x1 x7 / 70%Total: 53min | Eco: 26min | Res: 26min | Mili: 53min 673 daysUniverse open to merge
TR-2531343 / 1852 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 27min | Eco: 27min | Res: 27min | Mili: 28min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
PL-Rosalind463 / 1799 players / x8 x3 x2 x2 / 80%Total: 48min | Eco: 48min | Res: 73min | Mili: 73min 1457 daysUniverse open to merge
TR-Himalia248 / 1785 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 80%Total: 56min | Eco: 27min | Res: 56min | Mili: 56min 1811 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-2571109 / 1774 players / x8 x5 x3 x3 / 80%Total: 20min | Eco: 20min | Res: 68min | Mili: 43min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
EN-252339 / 1769 players / x8 x4 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 67min | Eco: 67min | Res: 67min | Mili: 67min 618 daysUniverse open to merge
IT-198414 / 1745 players / x10 x6 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 53min | Eco: 37min | Res: 16min | Mili: 35min 421 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-Lacerta271 / 1708 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 23min | Eco: 23min | Res: 23min | Mili: 23min 631 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-Ozone176 / 1609 players / x2 x1 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 62min | Eco: 62min | Res: 62min | Mili: 62min 589 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-256575 / 1585 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 32min | Eco: 32min | Res: 32min | Mili: 68min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-257321 / 1583 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 36min | Eco: 36min | Res: 36min | Mili: 36min 295 daysCant merge: New universe
EN-255332 / 1557 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 21min | Eco: 21min | Res: 20min | Mili: 20min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
IT-195428 / 1542 players / x8 x1 x1 x2 / 50%Total: 53min | Eco: 20min | Res: 68min | Mili: 35min 917 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-258328 / 1460 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 15min | Eco: 15min | Res: 15min | Mili: 41min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
EN-199171 / 1448 players / x8 x2 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 25min | Eco: 25min | Res: 25min | Mili: 25min 702 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-Quasar305 / 1443 players / x10 x4 x3 x3 / 70%Total: 64min | Eco: 37min | Res: 38min | Mili: 22min 1499 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-253299 / 1413 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 24min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 24min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
PL-Kerberos287 / 1353 players / x8 x7 x4 x6 / 70%Total: 44min | Eco: 44min | Res: 44min | Mili: 44min 631 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-257417 / 1342 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 70%Total: 58min | Eco: 58min | Res: 58min | Mili: 64min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-157 / 1334 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 33min | Eco: 33min | Res: 71min | Mili: 71min 6816 daysUniverse open to merge
TR-252341 / 1327 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 80%Total: 56min | Eco: 56min | Res: 56min | Mili: 56min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
IT-254282 / 1322 players / x10 x6 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 50min | Eco: 47min | Res: 47min | Mili: 47min 583 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-260408 / 1321 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 30%Total: 28min | Eco: 28min | Res: 28min | Mili: 28min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
EN-Volans221 / 1288 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 80%Total: 65min | Eco: 65min | Res: 65min | Mili: 48min 1276 daysUniverse open to merge
RU-1195 / 1250 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 69min | Eco: 69min | Res: 56min | Mili: 20min 7128 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-255197 / 1247 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 24min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 24min 379 daysUniverse open to merge
EN-254354 / 1245 players / x10 x1 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 57min | Eco: 60min | Res: 47min | Mili: 42min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-10386 / 1211 players / x10 x6 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 56min | Eco: 56min | Res: 56min | Mili: 56min 5366 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-Ymir225 / 1199 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 39min | Eco: 18min | Res: 47min | Mili: 25min 1276 daysUniverse open to merge
DE-255187 / 1135 players / x10 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 25min | Eco: 25min | Res: 25min | Mili: 38min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-256358 / 1131 players / x4 x2 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 20min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-Sombrero198 / 1125 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 80%Total: 25min | Eco: 60min | Res: 25min | Mili: 71min 1457 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-255396 / 1120 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 59min | Eco: 59min | Res: 59min | Mili: 59min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
ES-254385 / 1106 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 30min | Eco: 30min | Res: 30min | Mili: 30min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
ES-253415 / 1098 players / x10 x4 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 24min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 24min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
BR-Leda313 / 1053 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 19min | Eco: 19min | Res: 19min | Mili: 19min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-Tucana173 / 1047 players / x10 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 63min | Eco: 32min | Res: 53min | Mili: 32min 1499 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-254368 / 1019 players / x8 x3 x1 x2 / 80%Total: 59min | Eco: 59min | Res: 59min | Mili: 59min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-253220 / 991 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 40%Total: 59min | Eco: 67min | Res: 61min | Mili: 17min 295 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-252178 / 965 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 47min | Eco: 47min | Res: 47min | Mili: 47min 337 daysCant merge: New universe
DE-254197 / 949 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 58min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 41min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
BR-Mensa583 / 937 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 20min | Eco: 70min | Res: 70min | Mili: 21min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
US-Himalia127 / 934 players / x10 x4 x4 x4 / 60%Total: 55min | Eco: 55min | Res: 44min | Mili: 55min 1499 daysUniverse open to merge
US-194285 / 903 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 30%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
NL-Bellatrix196 / 895 players / x10 x2 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 44min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 895 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-253292 / 880 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 62min | Eco: 38min | Res: 38min | Mili: 47min 787 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-197104 / 878 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 31min | Eco: 31min | Res: 31min | Mili: 31min 421 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-19493 / 844 players / x2 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 25min | Eco: 62min | Res: 62min | Mili: 52min 547 daysUniverse open to merge
IT-258336 / 844 players / x8 x8 x1 x4 / 80%Total: 38min | Eco: 38min | Res: 38min | Mili: 43min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
US-Isonoe88 / 839 players / x8 x8 x4 x8 / 40%Total: 12min | Eco: 12min | Res: 12min | Mili: 27min 337 daysCant merge: New universe
TR-251252 / 836 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 35min | Eco: 35min | Res: 35min | Mili: 51min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-196107 / 827 players / x6 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 463 daysUniverse open to merge
IT-259563 / 804 players / x8 x6 x3 x4 / 60%Total: 18min | Eco: 18min | Res: 18min | Mili: 18min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-19591 / 789 players / x5 x5 x5 x5 / 50%Total: 57min | Eco: 35min | Res: 57min | Mili: 57min 505 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-198254 / 780 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 62min | Eco: 62min | Res: 62min | Mili: 47min 787 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-253170 / 775 players / x8 x4 x3 x3 / 70%Total: 71min | Eco: 71min | Res: 71min | Mili: 71min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
NL-Aquarius56 / 771 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 895 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-251167 / 766 players / x10 x3 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 58min | Eco: 42min | Res: 58min | Mili: 67min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
US-195529 / 766 players / x8 x8 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 49min | Eco: 49min | Res: 49min | Mili: 45min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
PT-Mensa373 / 764 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 43min | Eco: 64min | Res: 64min | Mili: 40min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-Narvi75 / 757 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 15min | Eco: 15min | Res: 15min | Mili: 15min 631 daysUniverse open to merge
ES-252240 / 756 players / x8 x8 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 72min | Eco: 72min | Res: 72min | Mili: 18min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
BR-Dorado204 / 725 players / x10 x2 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 17min | Eco: 39min | Res: 39min | Mili: 17min 930 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-252220 / 721 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 42min | Eco: 55min | Res: 55min | Mili: 55min 787 daysUniverse open to merge
US-Gaspra128 / 721 players / x8 x6 x1 x6 / 80%Total: 58min | Eco: 43min | Res: 58min | Mili: 58min 421 daysUniverse open to merge
BR-Cosmos174 / 690 players / x8 x2 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 930 daysUniverse open to merge
AR-148195 / 689 players / x4 x4 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 58min | Eco: 25min | Res: 25min | Mili: 70min 421 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-252162 / 683 players / x8 x8 x4 x6 / 70%Total: 52min | Eco: 46min | Res: 46min | Mili: 46min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
SK-10872 / 683 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 27min | Eco: 27min | Res: 27min | Mili: 27min 3364 daysUniverse open to merge
HU-Leda244 / 653 players / x10 x8 x1 x8 / 30%Total: 26min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 32min 386 daysUniverse open to merge
PL-199154 / 639 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 80%Total: 72min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 72min 295 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Umbra140 / 631 players / x10 x3 x1 x1 / 80%Total: 17min | Eco: 64min | Res: 64min | Mili: 17min 463 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-Lacerta69 / 630 players / x6 x7 x5 x7 / 70%Total: 55min | Eco: 31min | Res: 38min | Mili: 64min 722 daysUniverse open to merge
US-Zenith111 / 628 players / x8 x5 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 19min | Eco: 19min | Res: 19min | Mili: 19min 722 daysUniverse open to merge
BR-Indus67 / 613 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 60min | Eco: 28min | Res: 28min | Mili: 28min 337 daysCant merge: New universe
PT-Europa202 / 595 players / x10 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 72min | Eco: 72min | Res: 72min | Mili: 72min 930 daysUniverse open to merge
BR-Kalyke140 / 578 players / x10 x4 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 20min | Eco: 20min | Res: 20min | Mili: 20min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
ES-251167 / 577 players / x6 x4 x4 x4 / 60%Total: 22min | Eco: 41min | Res: 41min | Mili: 22min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
TR-198117 / 573 players / x10 x6 x6 x6 / 70%Total: 11min | Eco: 11min | Res: 11min | Mili: 11min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
US-Narvi105 / 563 players / x8 x8 x6 x8 / 80%Total: 13min | Eco: 13min | Res: 13min | Mili: 13min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
TR-199155 / 561 players / x8 x4 x3 x3 / 70%Total: 19min | Eco: 19min | Res: 19min | Mili: 19min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
US-Volans77 / 561 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 55min | Eco: 21min | Res: 21min | Mili: 31min 883 daysUniverse open to merge
CZ-Zenith113 / 560 players / x10 x5 x2 x2 / 80%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 49min | Mili: 49min 618 daysUniverse open to merge
FR-254113 / 557 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 60%Total: 36min | Eco: 15min | Res: 57min | Mili: 15min 787 daysUniverse open to merge
TR-197111 / 549 players / x8 x4 x5 x6 / 70%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
HR-125151 / 541 players / x10 x2 x2 x2 / 80%Total: 70min | Eco: 70min | Res: 49min | Mili: 70min 841 daysUniverse open to merge
GR-1111 / 539 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 28min | Eco: 64min | Res: 38min | Mili: 22min 6413 daysUniverse open to merge
DK-Polaris16 / 526 players / x8 x8 x4 x6 / 70%Total: 74min | Eco: 59min | Res: 59min | Mili: 59min 1107 daysUniverse open to merge
US-Ozone146 / 515 players / x10 x8 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 32min | Eco: 32min | Res: 32min | Mili: 32min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
AR-Aquarius256 / 497 players / x8 x3 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 29min | Eco: 55min | Res: 29min | Mili: 23min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-198154 / 496 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 30%Total: 53min | Eco: 47min | Res: 47min | Mili: 47min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
BR-Janice82 / 493 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 70min | Eco: 70min | Res: 70min | Mili: 75min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Mensa99 / 476 players / x8 x5 x4 x4 / 80%Total: 21min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 67min 673 daysUniverse open to merge
PT-Leda168 / 461 players / x8 x6 x3 x3 / 60%Total: 72min | Eco: 21min | Res: 72min | Mili: 72min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
PT-Janice114 / 455 players / x8 x2 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 50min | Eco: 27min | Res: 27min | Mili: 50min 295 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Ferdinand276 / 445 players / x8 x8 x6 x8 / 70%Total: 44min | Eco: 44min | Res: 44min | Mili: 34min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
HU-Mensa94 / 442 players / x8 x8 x3 x3 / 60%Total: 48min | Eco: 68min | Res: 68min | Mili: 48min 386 daysUniverse open to merge
US-Kerberos92 / 438 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 53min | Eco: 53min | Res: 53min | Mili: 32min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-199125 / 437 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 60min | Eco: 15min | Res: 15min | Mili: 15min 787 daysUniverse open to merge
PT-Dorado118 / 420 players / x10 x3 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 13min | Eco: 13min | Res: 13min | Mili: 59min 930 daysUniverse open to merge
US-Lacerta60 / 408 players / x4 x2 x2 x2 / 30%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
FR-251124 / 407 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 23min | Eco: 59min | Res: 46min | Mili: 46min 787 daysUniverse open to merge
RU-199274 / 407 players / x8 x8 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 20min | Eco: 43min | Res: 20min | Mili: 20min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Earth120 / 405 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 80%Total: 56min | Eco: 56min | Res: 56min | Mili: 56min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
IT-257147 / 399 players / x8 x3 x5 x3 / 70%Total: 21min | Eco: 21min | Res: 21min | Mili: 21min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
JP-10175 / 397 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 50%Total: 21min | Eco: 21min | Res: 62min | Mili: 26min 5441 daysUniverse open to merge
RO-12479 / 395 players / x10 x3 x3 x3 / 30%Total: 59min | Eco: 59min | Res: 54min | Mili: 54min 2272 daysUniverse open to merge
IT-255139 / 391 players / x8 x4 x2 x4 / 50%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-Dione102 / 391 players / x8 x5 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 40min | Eco: 55min | Res: 50min | Mili: 50min 722 daysUniverse open to merge
HR-12775 / 388 players / x10 x4 x4 x4 / 60%Total: 29min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 73min 463 daysUniverse open to merge
MX-Rhea246 / 384 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 60min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 60min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
IT-256115 / 373 players / x8 x4 x4 x2 / 70%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 71min | Mili: 71min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
MX-Quaoar170 / 373 players / x10 x4 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 60min | Eco: 36min | Res: 36min | Mili: 36min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
US-Mathilde93 / 357 players / x8 x2 x1 x2 / 70%Total: 33min | Eco: 33min | Res: 33min | Mili: 33min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
PT-Kalyke64 / 356 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 50%Total: 58min | Eco: 58min | Res: 58min | Mili: 58min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
PT-Indus58 / 355 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 12min | Eco: 12min | Res: 12min | Mili: 12min 379 daysUniverse open to merge
PT-Cosmos78 / 345 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 59min | Eco: 64min | Res: 59min | Mili: 59min 547 daysUniverse open to merge
TW-139126 / 332 players / x5 x4 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 16min | Eco: 16min | Res: 16min | Mili: 16min 925 daysUniverse open to merge
SI-10135 / 316 players / x8 x2 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 53min | Eco: 31min | Res: 31min | Mili: 31min 5436 daysUniverse open to merge
NL-Mensa203 / 299 players / x8 x6 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 33min | Eco: 24min | Res: 33min | Mili: 24min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-19573 / 276 players / x8 x2 x1 x2 / 50%Total: 26min | Eco: 26min | Res: 26min | Mili: 26min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
HU-Kalyke187 / 271 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 44min | Eco: 44min | Res: 44min | Mili: 44min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
MX-Kallisto78 / 268 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 70%Total: 36min | Eco: 63min | Res: 63min | Mili: 36min 722 daysUniverse open to merge
TW-Oberon45 / 261 players / x10 x6 x5 x5 / 80%Total: 19min | Eco: 19min | Res: 19min | Mili: 19min 757 daysUniverse open to merge
RU-Zenith38 / 259 players / x8 x8 x6 x8 / 80%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 883 daysUniverse open to merge
TW-Fenrir170 / 258 players / x8 x8 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 19min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 19min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
AR-Zibal96 / 255 players / x6 x4 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-19666 / 253 players / x8 x8 x6 x8 / 80%Total: 66min | Eco: 66min | Res: 66min | Mili: 66min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-Earth31 / 251 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 80%Total: 16min | Eco: 16min | Res: 16min | Mili: 16min 673 daysUniverse open to merge
NL-Leda61 / 243 players / x7 x5 x5 x5 / 50%Total: 70min | Eco: 70min | Res: 70min | Mili: 70min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Dione85 / 240 players / x8 x2 x2 x3 / 80%Total: 69min | Eco: 69min | Res: 27min | Mili: 27min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-Ozone44 / 239 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 39min | Eco: 39min | Res: 39min | Mili: 39min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-19434 / 231 players / x4 x2 x3 x3 / 30%Total: 16min | Eco: 12min | Res: 12min | Mili: 12min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
TW-Europa101 / 231 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 30%Total: 45min | Eco: 45min | Res: 45min | Mili: 45min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
HU-Himalia54 / 226 players / x10 x8 x2 x3 / 60%Total: 32min | Eco: 32min | Res: 32min | Mili: 32min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-19758 / 222 players / x8 x8 x6 x8 / 50%Total: 60min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 60min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
TW-Tarazed29 / 221 players / x5 x2 x4 x4 / 60%Total: 23min | Eco: 23min | Res: 23min | Mili: 23min 505 daysUniverse open to merge
HU-Janice102 / 219 players / x1 x3 x3 x3 / 30%Total: 43min | Eco: 43min | Res: 43min | Mili: 43min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Belinda62 / 217 players / x8 x6 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 75min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
AR-Yildun78 / 213 players / x4 x4 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 23min | Eco: 23min | Res: 23min | Mili: 23min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
SK-Orion26 / 213 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 30%Total: 27min | Eco: 64min | Res: 64min | Mili: 37min 2220 daysUniverse open to merge
RU-Mathilde26 / 211 players / x6 x3 x1 x3 / 40%Total: 64min | Eco: 12min | Res: 12min | Mili: 64min 337 daysCant merge: New universe
CZ-Cetus60 / 204 players / x8 x6 x3 x3 / 70%Total: 27min | Eco: 27min | Res: 27min | Mili: 27min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-12049 / 200 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 40%Total: 63min | Eco: 51min | Res: 51min | Mili: 63min 2420 daysUniverse open to merge
RU-Lacerta34 / 199 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 30%Total: 47min | Eco: 47min | Res: 47min | Mili: 47min 379 daysUniverse open to merge
CZ-Atlas47 / 195 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 80%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
NL-Cosmos28 / 195 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 13min | Eco: 13min | Res: 13min | Mili: 13min 895 daysUniverse open to merge
PT-Himalia51 / 190 players / x6 x1 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 14min | Eco: 61min | Res: 45min | Mili: 45min 463 daysUniverse open to merge
HR-134132 / 181 players / x8 x8 x4 x2 / 70%Total: 24min | Eco: 24min | Res: 24min | Mili: 24min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
MX-Polaris60 / 181 players / x4 x4 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 13min | Eco: 13min | Res: 13min | Mili: 23min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Aquarius92 / 177 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 60%Total: 12min | Eco: 12min | Res: 12min | Mili: 12min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-Yildun110 / 173 players / x8 x8 x4 x6 / 70%Total: 67min | Eco: 67min | Res: 67min | Mili: 42min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-Tarazed40 / 171 players / x10 x8 x4 x8 / 70%Total: 16min | Eco: 16min | Res: 16min | Mili: 16min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Nusakan35 / 170 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 30%Total: 27min | Eco: 27min | Res: 27min | Mili: 27min 673 daysUniverse open to merge
RU-Narvi31 / 169 players / x4 x1 x4 x4 / 40%Total: 15min | Eco: 15min | Res: 15min | Mili: 15min 295 daysCant merge: New universe
NL-Kalyke49 / 153 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 57min | Eco: 50min | Res: 57min | Mili: 57min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
HR-13353 / 151 players / x8 x4 x4 x4 / 80%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 44min | Mili: 44min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
NL-Janice45 / 150 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 50%Total: 68min | Eco: 68min | Res: 68min | Mili: 68min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
HU-Galatea40 / 147 players / x8 x1 x6 x1 / 80%Total: 34min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
HU-Indus66 / 146 players / x8 x8 x4 x4 / 70%Total: 58min | Eco: 58min | Res: 58min | Mili: 58min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
NL-Indus43 / 133 players / x10 x3 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 38min | Eco: 38min | Res: 37min | Mili: 37min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Zibal55 / 127 players / x8 x3 x1 x1 / 60%Total: 43min | Eco: 43min | Res: 43min | Mili: 43min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-14837 / 123 players / x10 x8 x2 x3 / 60%Total: 64min | Eco: 64min | Res: 64min | Mili: 64min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-Xanthus48 / 119 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 54min | Eco: 54min | Res: 54min | Mili: 54min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-Isonoe21 / 117 players / x6 x3 x4 x2 / 50%Total: 45min | Eco: 35min | Res: 35min | Mili: 45min 505 daysUniverse open to merge
HR-13247 / 115 players / x8 x1 x1 x1 / 80%Total: 60min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 60min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
TW-Dorado41 / 115 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 55min | Eco: 55min | Res: 55min | Mili: 55min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
SK-12759 / 114 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 30%Total: 37min | Eco: 37min | Res: 37min | Mili: 37min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-Kerberos23 / 110 players / x8 x8 x5 x1 / 80%Total: 29min | Eco: 29min | Res: 29min | Mili: 29min 421 daysUniverse open to merge
GR-Quaoar71 / 104 players / x6 x6 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 46min | Eco: 46min | Res: 46min | Mili: 15min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Xanthus23 / 101 players / x6 x6 x2 x6 / 60%Total: 60min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 60min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-14732 / 96 players / x5 x1 x1 x1 / 50%Total: 72min | Eco: 72min | Res: 72min | Mili: 72min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Wezn31 / 96 players / x4 x2 x2 x2 / 30%Total: 67min | Eco: 67min | Res: 67min | Mili: 67min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RU-Juno24 / 94 players / x6 x5 x5 x4 / 60%Total: 56min | Eco: 56min | Res: 56min | Mili: 56min 463 daysUniverse open to merge
TW-Zibal23 / 93 players / x1 x1 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 15min | Eco: 15min | Res: 15min | Mili: 15min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
TW-Bellatrix38 / 93 players / x8 x2 x1 x2 / 50%Total: 65min | Eco: 65min | Res: 65min | Mili: 65min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-14824 / 92 players / x10 x6 x6 x6 / 70%Total: 17min | Eco: 17min | Res: 17min | Mili: 17min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
HR-Eridanus26 / 91 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Spica22 / 90 players / x8 x6 x4 x4 / 30%Total: 14min | Eco: 69min | Res: 69min | Mili: 69min 337 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-14726 / 81 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 70%Total: 27min | Eco: 27min | Res: 27min | Mili: 27min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Yildun29 / 80 players / x8 x6 x6 x6 / 60%Total: 59min | Eco: 59min | Res: 59min | Mili: 59min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-Kallisto26 / 78 players / x10 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 65min | Eco: 65min | Res: 65min | Mili: 65min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-Polaris47 / 78 players / x6 x6 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 65min | Eco: 65min | Res: 65min | Mili: 65min 57 daysCant merge: New universe
SI-10618 / 75 players / x8 x2 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 11min | Eco: 11min | Res: 11min | Mili: 11min 2452 daysUniverse open to merge
SK-Zagadra26 / 75 players / x4 x8 x1 x8 / 60%Total: 19min | Eco: 19min | Res: 19min | Mili: 19min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
SI-Orion41 / 69 players / x5 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 20min | Eco: 20min | Res: 20min | Mili: 11min 15 daysCant merge: New universe
SK-12531 / 68 players / x8 x2 x1 x2 / 50%Total: 26min | Eco: 26min | Res: 26min | Mili: 22min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
TW-Aquarius23 / 68 players / x4 x1 x5 x5 / 60%Total: 11min | Eco: 51min | Res: 51min | Mili: 51min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
DK-Wezn21 / 66 players / x8 x8 x6 x8 / 50%Total: 74min | Eco: 74min | Res: 74min | Mili: 17min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
RO-Tarazed20 / 65 players / x8 x4 x2 x2 / 70%Total: 49min | Eco: 21min | Res: 21min | Mili: 21min 295 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-13420 / 64 players / x6 x8 x2 x8 / 70%Total: 50min | Eco: 50min | Res: 50min | Mili: 50min 722 daysUniverse open to merge
SI-11222 / 63 players / x10 x2 x1 x1 / 40%Total: 32min | Eco: 23min | Res: 23min | Mili: 23min 757 daysUniverse open to merge
GR-13213 / 59 players / x8 x3 x4 x6 / 70%Total: 34min | Eco: 34min | Res: 34min | Mili: 34min 1107 daysUniverse open to merge
GR-Izar18 / 56 players / x2 x2 x2 x2 / 50%Total: 15min | Eco: 46min | Res: 46min | Mili: 15min 505 daysUniverse open to merge
TW-Cosmos26 / 56 players / x1 x2 x6 x2 / 80%Total: 60min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 60min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-Japetus18 / 54 players / x8 x6 x3 x8 / 30%Total: 22min | Eco: 22min | Res: 22min | Mili: 22min 379 daysUniverse open to merge
GR-Libra29 / 53 players / x4 x4 x2 x2 / 60%Total: 23min | Eco: 39min | Res: 39min | Mili: 39min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-13921 / 52 players / x8 x4 x1 x1 / 70%Total: 14min | Eco: 14min | Res: 14min | Mili: 14min 176 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-Nusakan19 / 52 players / x8 x3 x3 x3 / 60%Total: 61min | Eco: 61min | Res: 61min | Mili: 61min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-Oberon24 / 52 players / x8 x5 x5 x5 / 70%Total: 60min | Eco: 60min | Res: 60min | Mili: 60min 92 daysCant merge: New universe
SK-12415 / 52 players / x4 x1 x2 x2 / 30%Total: 51min | Eco: 51min | Res: 51min | Mili: 51min 218 daysCant merge: New universe
SI-11418 / 46 players / x6 x3 x1 x3 / 30%Total: 26min | Eco: 26min | Res: 26min | Mili: 26min 134 daysCant merge: New universe
SI-11316 / 45 players / x7 x2 x2 x2 / 40%Total: 53min | Eco: 12min | Res: 12min | Mili: 17min 253 daysCant merge: New universe
GR-13315 / 38 players / x6 x5 x4 x6 / 50%Total: 70min | Eco: 70min | Res: 70min | Mili: 70min 925 daysUniverse open to merge