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OGame Graveyard Dashboard

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Track top fleet account migrations

565 universes monitored | v0.11.10
Last Updates
6.6 hours ago: nl-Himalia
7 hours ago: de-Narvi
7.6 hours ago: it-253
7.6 hours ago: mx-Oberon
7.6 hours ago: sk-Wasat
7.6 hours ago: tr-195
7.7 hours ago: ar-Xanthus
8.5 hours ago: nl-Galatea
8.7 hours ago: nl-Fenrir
9.4 hours ago: hu-Fenrir


Min Military Points: ALL - 10M - 50M - 100M
Timeframe: Last Day - Last 3 Days - Last Week

Next Updates
en-Quantum :Incoming
nl-130 :Incoming
it-114 :Incoming
de-Orion :Incoming
it-Gaspra :Incoming
de-Yildun :Incoming
hu-Polaris :Incoming
hu-Spica :Incoming
nl-Spica :Incoming
hu-124 :Incoming
You can display player information by clicking on "DETAILS" button below.

Here will be displayed information of player going to graveyard.

You can filter results by selecting a specific universe.
You can display player information by clicking on "DETAILS" button below.
And you may use LOOKUP feature to get more results

Here will be displayed information of player coming from graveyard to live universe.

You can filter results by selecting a specific universe.


35 players displayed
Top military accounts migrated from es-186 to graveyard

DateCountryServerPlayerMilitary PointsDETAILS
01 Jul 2023eses-HalleyFURBIANS321.096.797
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleySiS51.555.072
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyTekitotoo39.600.060
10 Jan 2023eses-Halleyhernando30.082.736
06 Jan 2023eses-HalleyCalzapollos17.981.528
16 Feb 2023eses-HalleyCorrosivo11.767.176
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyAtzhuru11.519.572
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyDRakU11a10.084.949
13 May 2023eses-HalleyDirector Rocket6.022.351
18 Jan 2023eses-Halleyhandler4.479.903
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyCaptain Sputnik4.339.244
11 Jan 2023eses-HalleyVadillo4.024.704
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyCoca213.306.439
02 Jan 2023eses-HalleyAngel Death2.273.176
16 Jan 2023eses-HalleyGeneral Pinky2.146.142
27 Jan 2023eses-HalleyBailCore1.991.263
10 Apr 2023eses-HalleyHenry-Kisaragi721.459.258
29 May 2023eses-HalleyMarck1.237.586
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyDonFracho1.136.695
14 Jun 2023eses-HalleyPhantom897.476
01 Jan 2023eses-HalleyLufra846.509
11 Mar 2023eses-HalleyBL4CKJ0K3R con MO577.578
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyKKK564.352
03 Jul 2023eses-Halleyjex_d350.901
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyProconsul Ferret322.678
03 Feb 2023eses-HalleyManSueLo282.445
29 Jan 2023eses-HalleyFloripondo230.443
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyMacabeo144.390
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyBandit Scout114.536
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyRantamplan51.497
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleySwop8.675
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyAcaba de triunfar ud8.002
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyGeologist Neptune5.240
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyEmperor Volans4.490
03 Jul 2023eses-HalleyNikro2.980


14 players displayed
Top military accounts migrated from graveyard to es-186

23 May 2023eses-HalleyMaximilian Jenius296.105.450[es-Cosmos] Maximilian Jenius (99 %)
31 Aug 2023eses-QuantumChief Leto 5124.226.001[es-Halley] El Cardenal (100 %)
04 Jul 2023eses-1Bestia Africana14.554.378[es-Halley] Bestia Africana (100 %)
02 Jun 2023eses-HalleyUrek mazino9.064.640[es-Ymir] Urek mazino (100 %)
03 Jul 2023eses-FerdinandL0TT06.999.867[es-Halley] L0TT0 (100 %)
20 Mar 2022ptpt-RheaRiparty1.044.585[es-Halley] ALEXANCODE (44 %)
15 Jul 2023eses-1Engineer Uriel 35781.651[es-Halley] Constable Supernova (100 %)
03 Jul 2023eses-1VERDUGO465.415[es-Halley] VERDUGO (100 %)
02 Oct 2021sese-109scary02444.270[es-Halley] el pato mareao (57 %)
23 May 2023eses-HalleyGeologist Apollo 73332.489[es-Quantum] Constructor (100 %)
23 May 2023eses-HalleyEl Divertido152.666[es-Quantum] El Divertido (99 %)
14 Jul 2023eses-1HACOVITO130.117[es-Halley] HACOVITO (98 %)
26 May 2023eses-HalleyPorrillo1.110.997------
14 Jun 2023eses-HalleyEmperor Aten 87572.027------