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OGame Graveyard Dashboard

Check graveyard migration status
Track top fleet account migrations

565 universes monitored | v0.11.10
Last Updates
7.8 hours ago: nl-Himalia
8.2 hours ago: de-Narvi
8.7 hours ago: it-253
8.7 hours ago: mx-Oberon
8.8 hours ago: sk-Wasat
8.8 hours ago: tr-195
8.9 hours ago: ar-Xanthus
9.7 hours ago: nl-Galatea
9.8 hours ago: nl-Fenrir
10.6 hours ago: hu-Fenrir


Min Military Points: ALL - 10M - 50M - 100M
Timeframe: Last Day - Last 3 Days - Last Week

Next Updates
en-Quantum :Incoming
nl-130 :Incoming
it-114 :Incoming
de-Orion :Incoming
it-Gaspra :Incoming
de-Yildun :Incoming
hu-Polaris :Incoming
hu-Spica :Incoming
nl-Spica :Incoming
hu-124 :Incoming
You can display player information by clicking on "DETAILS" button below.

Here will be displayed information of player going to graveyard.

You can filter results by selecting a specific universe.
You can display player information by clicking on "DETAILS" button below.
And you may use LOOKUP feature to get more results

Here will be displayed information of player coming from graveyard to live universe.

You can filter results by selecting a specific universe.


52 players displayed
Top military accounts migrated from de-183 to graveyard

DateCountryServerPlayerMilitary PointsDETAILS
14 Jul 2023dede-EarthAeAndy5.729.251
14 Jan 2023dede-EarthSela Io4.975.275
15 Apr 2023dede-EarthJuMpErInO3.616.832
01 Jul 2023dede-EarthDer Elch2.247.159
09 Jun 2023dede-EarthProcurator Sedna2.071.086
01 Jun 2023dede-EarthViceregent Leonis2.000.985
16 May 2023dede-EarthDirector Veil1.804.175
11 Jun 2023dede-EarthLord Pulsar1.742.050
19 May 2023dede-EarthGertolo1.729.957
27 Mar 2023dede-EarthDie Verlorenen1.642.038
16 Mar 2023dede-EarthTechnocrat Tycho 61.614.442
23 Dec 2022dede-EarthCzar Uriel1.579.332
23 Jul 2023dede-EarthEmperor Remus 381.564.804
03 Feb 2023dede-EarthCzar Galaxy1.553.887
20 Jul 2023dede-EarthSuper Pupi1.530.347
17 Jul 2023dede-EarthH8 M31.518.498
28 Jul 2023dede-EarthViceregent Moon 11.125.503
26 Dec 2022dede-Earthgeo12061.121.540
18 Jun 2023dede-EarthZulu1.085.596
08 Apr 2023dede-Earthantiogamer996.213
06 Aug 2023dede-EarthD3str0Y3r X963.625
26 May 2023dede-EarthCruZ3r938.028
04 Feb 2023dede-EarthBlesur890.249
29 Mar 2023dede-Earthmad31868.453
14 May 2023dede-EarthBloody859.395
14 Jan 2023dede-EarthMaddox859.110
06 Aug 2023dede-Earthcleegee826.686
22 Apr 2023dede-EarthCzar Starburst 9766.938
21 Apr 2023dede-EarthHungrigerHugo680.394
11 Jul 2023dede-Earthinvi655.527
03 Jul 2023dede-EarthWetzi504.429
24 Feb 2023dede-Earthandy011498.405
26 May 2023dede-EarthPresident Perseus 2480.863
24 Mar 2023dede-EarthBluTEngeL40k418.832
15 May 2023dede-EarthGovernor Lagoon384.360
19 Jul 2023dede-EarthGeologist Asteroid 7380.458
08 Jun 2023dede-EarthGovernor Galaxy 67347.043
24 May 2023dede-EarthDirector Stardust327.077
14 Jul 2023dede-EarthCommodore Janus 9302.386
08 Apr 2023dede-EarthHorst Beppo Blonski261.483
17 Apr 2023dede-EarthRuff190.200
15 Jun 2023dede-EarthDirector Lagoon 4184.176
03 Jan 2023dede-EarthFungus168.906
02 Mar 2023dede-EarthNemorov161.217
13 Jun 2023dede-Earthildcrew137.370
07 Jan 2023dede-EarthCasualDeath78.409
14 Jun 2023dede-EarthNemesisJWD73.093
19 May 2023dede-EarthTobilanski48.619
26 Jun 2023dede-EarthKeschmaraVIII86.020
02 Apr 2023dede-EarthGarfieldtm2.245
13 Jun 2023dede-EarthMendor600
16 Mar 2023dede-EarthEmperor Keid 252


70 players displayed
Top military accounts migrated from graveyard to de-183

04 Jun 2023dede-EarthManchester United404.576.092[de-Belinda] Manchester United (100 %)
27 Jun 2023eses-1Cai5.903.650[de-Earth] Admiral Polaris (40 %)
20 Jul 2023dede-1Commodore Pavo 623.242.804[de-Earth] umi (100 %)
29 Apr 2024dede-EarthLord Telesto 273.074.513[de-Earth] Melkor (100 %)
15 May 2024dede-1Lord Telesto 273.074.513[de-Earth] Melkor (100 %)
03 Oct 2023dede-EarthEngineer Explorer 83.073.608[de-1] Engineer Explorer 8 (100 %)
31 Aug 2023dede-EarthRonnieflex2.213.414[de-Vega] keck (56 %)
14 May 2023dede-1muschpoke1.592.444[de-Earth] muschpoke (100 %)
24 Feb 2023dede-VegaVisda The Forbidden1.442.635[de-Earth] Visda The Forbidden (100 %)
03 Mar 2023dede-VegaDarksenior1.297.064[de-Earth] Darksenior (100 %)
20 Sep 2023dede-Earthdabbeld1.179.852[de-194] dabbeld (100 %)
01 Nov 2023dede-EarthDieNussaufdemWeg1.117.908[de-Orion] DieNussaufdemWeg (100 %)
09 Sep 2023dede-EarthZodiark Hydaelyn Age1.092.304[de-Vega] Zodiark Hydaelyn Age (82 %)
14 Mar 2022dede-SombreroBoerger937.028[de-Earth] Boerger (100 %)
16 Feb 2023dede-EarthSenator Orion 46912.607[de-Earth] TUFKATH (64 %)
12 Mar 2023dede-EarthBloody826.324[pl-168] Captain Epsilon 8 (54 %)
23 Jan 2024dede-EarthDirector Spirit 74816.310[de-127] Captain Torch (100 %)
16 Jun 2023dede-Earthhuntuts609.309[de-195] huntuts (100 %)
21 Jun 2023dede-EarthConsul Pan597.083[de-Libra] Consul Pan (100 %)
02 Oct 2023dede-EarthFree LX582.992[de-Yildun] Czar Galaxy (63 %)
12 Mar 2023dede-Earthass4974540.930[de-Earth] ass4974 (100 %)
02 May 2024eses-194Mon-cos456.233[de-Earth] FoxX (56 %)
22 Jun 2023dede-Earthbessererpipapo397.961[de-127] bessererpipapo (99 %)
22 Apr 2024dede-EarthMajor_D385.767[de-Earth] Major_D (100 %)
26 Feb 2023dede-EarthCommodore Janus 9302.386[de-Orion] malfoy999 (100 %)
29 Jul 2023dede-EarthGovernor Probe 60276.423[de-Belinda] Trillian (100 %)
02 Aug 2023dede-EarthGeologist Skat 75252.076[de-Wezn] Rising Star (100 %)
26 May 2023dede-EarthRaidenEX221.715[de-Halley] RaidenEX (99 %)
23 Jun 2023dede-EarthCaramel93207.376[de-Libra] Caramel93 (100 %)
14 Jul 2023dede-EarthConstable Matter 7184.379[de-1] mallory (100 %)
16 May 2024dede-1Captain San131.394[de-Earth] Bio San (100 %)
21 Jun 2023dede-EarthTechnocrat Pallas 564.446[de-Ozone] Technocrat Pallas 5 (100 %)
26 Aug 2023dede-EarthNatureOne8131.000[de-Dorado] NatureOne81 (100 %)
12 Jul 2023dede-EarthConsul Magellan 1524.328[de-Aquarius] had3s (100 %)
06 Sep 2023dede-EarthThug Life 18719.659[de-Atlas] Thug Life 187 (100 %)
20 Aug 2023dede-EarthUltracision14.936[de-Aquarius] Ultracision (100 %)
17 Sep 2023dede-EarthDanman12.716[de-Quasar] Danman (100 %)
26 Jul 2023dede-EarthMcDrive11.443[fr-Galatea] Chico (50 %)
25 Jan 2024dede-EarthBodybuilder1.550[de-Galatea] Bodybuilder (100 %)
13 Oct 2023dede-EarthChief Yakini 114.825.634------
06 Oct 2023dede-EarthChancellor Retina 18.553.412------
29 Sep 2023dede-EarthBrowser098.148.219------
24 Jun 2023dede-EarthRenegade Halo 616.593.876------
11 Mar 2023dede-EarthQuoren5.591.721------
22 Jul 2023dede-EarthDonCurry5.578.011------
09 Jul 2023dede-EarthModesu5.251.756------
29 Jul 2023dede-EarthMrOne3.117.924------
30 Nov 2023dede-EarthLulzy2.814.962------
29 May 2023dede-EarthZwille2.452.707------
25 Aug 2023dede-EarthVice Nash 92.012.480------
11 Sep 2023dede-EarthAdmiral Gemini 81.845.050------
04 Jul 2023dede-EarthVice Galaxy 711.734.194------
02 Jul 2023dede-EarthDrJoke1.708.218------
29 Sep 2023dede-EarthCaptain Corona 051.364.250------
23 Aug 2023dede-EarthMitch_Conner1.084.240------
23 Jul 2023dede-EarthvdLsen1.071.843------
31 Jul 2023dede-EarthLegacykain1.003.975------
18 Nov 2023dede-EarthMalerius993.244------
19 May 2023dede-EarthGuzel953.929------
16 Feb 2023dede-EarthBKB911.265------
01 May 2024dede-EarthConstable Neso 25885.553------
13 Oct 2023dede-EarthCaptain Oort 41700.025------
26 Jul 2023dede-Earthre4ver634.470------
03 Feb 2023dede-EarthStahlin621.219------
14 Oct 2023dede-EarthSanshas Nation614.163------
20 Feb 2024dede-EarthDune418.644------
02 Feb 2024dede-EarthConsul Erato 19398.522------
25 Aug 2023dede-EarthNoRespect208.458------
25 Aug 2023dede-EarthErleuchteter91.645------
05 Mar 2023dede-EarthJaehaerys77.955------